Medical Community Outreach

Recently I had the privilege to meet with medical students from the WWAMI Medical Education Program in Bozeman. In partnership with he University of Washington School of Medicine; it provides a medical school offering for the states of Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho.

Several times a year, faculty at the Montana State University nursing school and the WWAMI Medical Education program open their classrooms to me; I’m able to provide students with a patient perspective of life with multiple chronic illnesses, and provide insight into the physical, mental, and financial implications of disease management.

Visits have included a full ostomy bag change to show nursing students a stoma in-person, as well as demonstrations of the latest technologies I wear to manage my diabetes. The visits provide a connection to the next generation of caregivers and depicts the human element of caregiving as I provide examples of both fantastic and less than ideal care I’ve received as a, “professional patient”.

I truly enjoy each classroom visit and the students motivate me with their passion for knowledge and insightful questions.


Hitting the Ice with T1D


Affordable Care Act: Rolling Back Coverage, Part III